33336663 (061)


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CISCO3825-SRST/K9 Specifications

Cisco Systems is extending its leadership in multiservice routing with a new line of routers that offer the network the agility, performance, and intelligence needed to meet customers' rapidly evolving network and business challenges. The Cisco 3800 Series is the flagship platform in a portfolio of next-generation routers that integrate advanced technologies, adaptive services, and secure enterprise communications. These routers offer the performance and reliable packet delivery necessary to efficiently deliver mission-critical network capabilities, including real-time applications such as voice over IP (VoIP), business video, and collaborative communications. Architectural enhancements include embedded security processing, significant platform performance and memory improvements, and high-density interface types. These design achievements complement the Cisco IOS Software features and superior investment protection that this platform inherits from the Cisco 3700 Series. The Cisco 3800 Series serves as a catalyst for midsize organizations and enterprise branch offices that want to gracefully scale their enterprise edges and take advantage of converged business services, while minimizing the cost and complexity of network upgrades.This Cisco 3825 voice bundle comes with PVDM2-64, IOS SP service, 64 MB Flash/256 MB DRAM.

Features :Cisco IOS SP services , firewall protection, 128-bit encryption, hardware encryption, VPN support, MPLS support, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), URL filtering, 256-bit encryption
Device Type :Router
Enclosure Type :External - modular - 2U
Data Link Protocol :Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
Digital Signaling Protocol :-
CISCO3825-SRST/K9 Datasheet دریافت

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ثبت امتیاز
فروشگاه - تماس با ما - نقشه سایت - موافقت نامه
اهواز، امانیه نبش خیابان سقراط غربی، ساختمان اقبال ،طبقه 6 ، واحد 24 ، تلفن : 33368547- 33336663- (061) ، فاکس : 33336663 (061)
کلیه حقوق این سایت متعلق به شرکت گروه فناوری اطلاعات مبنا گسترش تاریانا میباشد.

شرکت تاریانا, اینترنت پرسرعت , شبکه, دوربین, وایرلس-فروشگاه-CISCO3825-SRST/K9 شبکه , وايرلس , شبكه , wireless , آنتن , Antenna , اينترنت , سوييچ , سرور , WISP , Cisco , سيسكو , روتر , كابل , انتقال خط تلفن , دوربين , امنيت , IP camera , netronics , motorola , router , Dlink, tplink , Mikrotik , cat5e ,شبکه , وايرلس , شبكه , wireless , آنتن , Antenna , اينترنت , سوييچ , سرور , WISP , Cisco , سيسكو , روتر , كابل , انتقال خط تلفن , دوربين , امنيت , IP camera , netronics , motorola , router , Dlink, tplink , Mikrotik , cat5e,Cisco,that,network,routers,performance,business,Series,platform,enterprise,with

شبکه , وايرلس , شبكه , wireless , آنتن , Antenna , اينترنت , سوييچ , سرور , WISP , Cisco , سيسكو , روتر , كابل , انتقال خط تلفن , دوربين , امنيت , IP camera , netronics , motorola , router , Dlink, tplink , Mikrotik , cat5e ,شبکه , وايرلس , شبكه , wireless , آنتن , Antenna , اينترنت , سوييچ , سرور , WISP , Cisco , سيسكو , روتر , كابل , انتقال خط تلفن , دوربين , امنيت , IP camera , netronics , motorola , router , Dlink, tplink , Mikrotik , cat5e

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